Maxwell for Rhino x86

Maxwell for Rhino x86

Maxwell Render is a new render engine based on the physics of real light
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Maxwell Render™ is a new render engine based on the physics of real light. Its algorithms and equations reproduce the behaviour of light in a completely accurate way. All of the elements in Maxwell, such as light sets, physical materials and cameras, are entirely based on physically accurate models. Maxwell Render™ can fully capture all light interactions between all elements in a scene no matter how complex they are. Maxwell Render™ has been acclaimed as a landmark in the next-gen rendering technology, having produced the best photorealistic images to date. Maxwell Render™ is the perfect solution for high-end rendering, especially in areas like architecture, industrial design, prototyping and 3D production. The key factors of Maxwell Render™ are: - EASE OF USE All parameters in Maxwell use real-world units. You don’t need to learn strange concepts, set a long list of uncertain parameters or “launch photons” anymore. With Maxwell, just pick a 100-watt incandescent lamp or a marble material from the material gallery, and that’s all. - MAXWELL MULTILIGHT ™ Don't re-render, adjust the lights in realtime! For the first time in the industry, it is possible to have unlimited variations of lighting from just one render. Things have never been this easy... - MAXWELL MATERIALS What makes them so different and unique? For the first time in the industry, you can have access to the most realistic, simulated materials so far. Things have never been this easy... - CROSS-PLATFORM Maxwell Render™ is a cross-platform solution available for Windows™ 32 and 64 bits, Mac OSX ™ and Linux™ platforms. Maxwell Render™ provides plugins for the major 3D applications like Rhinoceros™, 3ds Max™, Viz™, Maya™, LightWave™, SolidWorks™, Allplan 2006 ™, Archicad™, CINEMA 4D™, form·Z™, Houdini™ and SketchUp™. Additionally, Maxwell operates as a stand-alone application featuring Maxwell Studio – a full 3D editor to compose scenes, Maxwell Material Editor – a versatile physical material editor, and Maxwell Engine – the command line controllable render engine.

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This seems to be a virus, don't download it.

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